Monday, October 10, 2011

Can a method declare multiple return values? Or Is there some way to return more than one value?

Sort of.A method can declare only one return value. BUT... If you want to return, say, three int values,
then the declared return type can be an Int array. Stuff those ints into the array,and passIt on back. It's
a little more involved to return multiple values with different types.

What happens If the argument you want to pass Is an object Instead of II primitive?

You'll learn more about this In later chapters,but you already know the answer.Java passes
everything by value. EverythIng. But...value means bits Inside the vcrtable. And remem ber,you don't
stuff objects Into variables; the variable Is a remote control-a reference to an object. SoIf you pass a
reference to an object into a method, you're passing a copy of the remote control.

Identify who am I ?

I am compiled from a .java file.   : class
My instance variable values can be different from my buddy’s values. : object
I behave like a template. : class
I like to do stuff. : object, method
I can have many methods. : class,object
I represent ‘state’. : instance variable
I have behaviors. : object,class
I am located in objects. : method, instance variable
I live on the heap.  : object
I am used to create object instances. : class
My state can change.: object,instance variable
I declare methods. : class
I can change at runtime. : object, instance variable

What’s the difference between a class and an object?

A class is blueprint for an object .It tell VM how to make an object of that perticular type.
Each object made from that class can have its own values for the instance variables of that class.

What is method and instance variable ?

Things an object knows about itself are called instance variable.
While Things an object can do are called methods.

Why does everything have to be In a class ?

java is an object-oriented(00) language. It's not Iike the old days when you had steam driven
compliers and wrote one monolithic source file with a pile of procedures

Monday, October 3, 2011

Preparing Article For Best Java Practices

Dear Visitors,
As we are working on some best java article for programming practice,
So stay tuned and wait for couple of days for "Best JAVA Rocking Solution" !!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

JAVA 7 available now

Guys do you know JAVA 7 has been launched.
Please check here .
Enjoy journey of java

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Java standards process to get an upgrade


Guys do you know that Java standards process to get an upgrade
and   Java SE 7 gets thumbs-up from standards committee ? 

Please check here .

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Java news

Hi Everyone,

Here you will see different news of java as well as new technology updates with best development practices.
So Be here to be java geeks !!!